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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0492c62.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-18  |  431KB  |  625x802  |  8-bit (251 colors)
Labels: fence | grandstand | laptop | monitor | plant | reckoner | sky | stairs
OCR: JUNK BOND FUNDS CONTINUE THEIR 16-M0NTH SPREE OF SPRIGHTLY RETURNS For the 16th consecutive month high-vield bond unds led cther mren -ineome chtcgorie: UD 2.29. Overall thnugh. hnr I funds were up. onl about 0. 75. many fixed Income selections got stung early February interest rate risc Hurt mx were Benham' acutely rate- sensitive uednoo-01oz U.S Government hond funds all ofr . 3.54 or more -but amons the I2-munth Teaders. Portfolio MON 3 gain (or loss) to March 1) 1992 Top pertormers aturin iniia ranked brone- vearreturn 199' Istmont Telephone GOVERNMENT BONDS FPA NaW Tucome $1.500 800.421 4374 Tarzet 2015 1.000 300-472-3399 Benham Targot 151 19 1.000 800-72-3380 Bciham Targot 100 800-472-3389 Benham Target 2010 1.000 800-172 3389 MORTGAGE PBACHEDSECURTES KemperU.s Government Securitics ...